What Now? A blog by Everett Hypnotherapist Paulette Deckers

What Now?

January 5, 2022

If you are anything like me, the last two years have been a blur of uncertainty, disbelief, and possibly more confusion than at any other time in your life. From the very first News Announcement in 2020 to ringing in the New Year with Omicron’s wave hitting everyone in its wake, it can be difficult to decipher what is really going to happen in the next several weeks and months. Still, after two years.

You are not alone. I have gone from moments of laughing to crying to being angry at the situation to being downright frightened. I am and have been a bit overwhelmed by the absolute uncertainty of the situation. How will this continue to affect my business, my family, my life? And we still don’t know. 

With the ambiguity of the situation, I suggest keeping in mind three very important things: Communication, Grieving, and Self-Care.

Communication Is Key

Communication is key to staying sane and healthy. It is important to discuss your fears and concerns with someone you love and trust. If you are unable to do that with someone in your life, I suggest finding a counselor, pastor, therapist, hypnotherapist, or any other mental health practitioner.

It is not okay to let this stuff build up inside of you to the point of creating massive stress or panic. Remember, when our bodies reach crazy levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), our health suffers. Please reach out to someone and get the help you need. There is no shame in needing another human being!

In times of ambiguity, communication is key.
Grieving is a process—give yourself time.

Grieving Is a Must

Take time to allow yourself to go through this grieving process. That’s right—a grieving process. We have all lost something, each and everyone of us! We have lost our day-to-day living, our expectation to have a normal and healthy life, and our certainty about the future. And many of us have lost friends, family, and loved ones.

For you, a grieving process might look something like this: One day, you are perfectly fine and functioning on all cylinders, ready to tackle the world and all its problems. The next day, you might feel overwhelmed and depressed, sad that things are no longer the way they used to be. The day after that, you might be angry or in disbelief, “Why do I have to go through this? It isn’t fair!” And still, the next day, you could be elated, feeling like you are on top of the world.

This is a GRIEVING Process. It has its own timeline and its own way of working itself out. Don’t be too hard on yourself; try to just go with that flow and remember to communicate with the ones you love about how you are feeling. Sharing these ups and downs will help them come and go more quickly. It’s when we try to stuff our feelings down and not allow them to flow through us that we end up getting stuck in the grief cycle.

Self-Care Is Critical

Take time to relax and make self-care a priority! You are probably aware of the safety procedures that flight attendants review while the plane is preparing for departure. They say something like, “In the event of an emergency landing, oxygen masks will fall from the compartment above your head. Make sure you put your mask on first before helping anyone else.”

I cannot stress this enough: If you are not taking care of yourself, there is NO WAY you will be able to take care of anyone else. It is not selfish to get oxygen to your own brain before you try to assist another. In fact, it is quite the opposite because if you don’t put your air mask on first and you pass out, then what? Are you any good to anyone else at that point or have you now created another critical situation?

Find time each day to relax, read, sleep, zone out, exercise, get some fresh air, meditate, walk, journal, or any other mindfulness exercise—you will help your body dispel any build-up of stress. Even deep breathing and mindful breathing are great ways to burn off stress.

Self-Care is critical during difficult, challenging times.

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In many ways, the Pandemic has given us the opportunity to reevaluate what is truly important to us. It’s the Silver Lining of a difficult and challenging situation, where each of us have been given the space to find out what is right for us. How we choose to move forward. Even if you were not seeking change in your life, look at it as an opportunity to reinvent yourself and your future.

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