How does Hypnosis Help with Depression

How does Hypnosis help with Depression?

November 7, 2022

As a Board Certified Hypnotherapist, I am often asked, can Hypnosis help with my Depression? So whether you have been diagnosed, with say Bi-Polar disorder, Manic Depression or some other variant of Depression and are currently taking medications for this condition, Hypnosis can help. I am going to share what it is that we work on, when we use Hypnosis to help with such situations. 

How does Hypnosis help with Depression

As I have talked about in many of my blog posts, when we do hypnosis together, we are working in the Sub-conscious mind. Why this is important is because, your sub-conscious mind is where all of your beliefs, ideals, habits, conditioned responses and triggers, along with trauma, and experiences are held. That’s right! This part of the mind, is where all those experiential situations are stored. For instance you may have heard that as humans, we often respond about 95% of the time from this part of our consciousness, and you may wonder why our conscious mind is not more responsible for our behaviours. This is something that science is still researching, but to answer this question in short order, it is this part (Subconscious) of our mind that is responsible for our Feelings & Emotions and how we connect to experiences in our body. We also, have a great deal of feeling/emotional response that comes from our Stomach which as been quoted as being our 2nd Brain.

However, I digress! When you want to make lasting changes, even to your brain chemistry, you must go to the source of the thinking or the feeling in order to make those changes, hence the Sub Conscious mind. If I am working with someone on this specific issue, then I am trying to help that person create new Neural Pathways in the brain, I am helping them change their thinking from the place in their mind which stores those belief systems and I am giving that individual the opportunity to heal themselves from the inside out.  

How does Hypnosis Help with Depression

If you have been struggling with depression, sadness, lack of motivation, there is almost always a secondary cause to why you are having these problems. While hypnosis is incredibly powerful, there are a wide variety of other ways to create change in the mind, and the body to get lasting relief. I would suggest looking into all the ways one might work with the mind and or the energy of the body to create the opportunity for healing. If you think that Hypnosis could be the right path for you, then by all means please feel free to reach out and request a consultation. I am here to answer quetsions for you and to help you determine if my processes are right for you. 

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