Manage Your Emotions with the 1-2-3 Self-Coaching Process - a Blog by Paulette Deckers, Hypnotherapist in Everett

Self Love and Acceptance – How do you achieve this? 

February 14th 2023

I thought I would touch on the subject of Love today, especially since we as a society spend a lot of time and money thinking of ways to be loving to others on this St Valentines Holiday. I am sure that many of you have heard that you cannot fully love another until you have learned to love yourself. Yet, we are all in loving relationships and we do our best to be loving and kind to those we are in connection with. I think what this statement really means, is that we cannot offer the best versions of ourselves to those we love, until we fully understand how to love ourselves, faults and all. We need to love who we are, where we have been, the mistakes we have made and the course corrections we have learned from. 

Define What it Is that You Are Feeling

Step 1: Find Love within Yourself

What this means, is take some time, to really connect with yourself. You can do this either through prayer, meditation or just sitting silently with your thoughts and feelings. If you are really looking for the feeling of unconditional love, know that you can often find that through your beloved pet or through your children.  So pet them, snuggle with them and then whatever feelings of love arise within you due to that interaction, allow those feelings to grow and build from within  your heart space. Once your heart has opened up to this amazing vibration of love energy, share that love withyourself and give yourself permission to be loved BY YOU! 

Step 2: Practice Makes Perfect!

I get it, it’s not easy to love yourself each and every day, but it can become easier with practice. Just like anything else we do in our life to be good at something, you have to put time and energy into that practice to get results back. So if your favorite thing to do is to read, give yourself permission to read just for the pure joy of it. If you enjoy being in Nature, then make sure to set time aside each day or week to be near water, in the mountains, or simply outside taking in all that Mother Earth has to offer. If you show love through food, cook a wonderful meal just for yourself sometime and then be intentional about each bite you take, savoring the food and the effort that was taken to create that meal. These are just a few of the ideas, but I think you get the point. It does not have to be complicated! 

Decide How You Will Overcome the Feeling

Step 3: Keep your Thoughts in Check…

If you are like most people, you know quite well how to berate and to obliterate your self worth. But I ask you – Whose idea of perfection or lovability are you really living up to? Is it yours or was it inherited from your upbringing, your last romatic partner or some other unfavorable experience from the past? IF it is anything outside yourself, then you are barking up the wrong tree, so to speak. You need to find your own idea of love, within. You need to create your own path to self acceptance, based on what you need and desire as a living breathing human being. We get way to much input from the world around us, and to be honest, most of it is pure garbage. 

If you connect to your higher self, your soul or to spirit, which can only speak to you through the language of love you will understand the difference I am referring to here. The world is not ever going to give you what you truly need. Only you can do that and it takes patience, persistence and an open mind that is willing to explore oneself from the deepest parts of your being. So on this special day, take a minute to offer up some true love and acceptance to yourself. Then when you are feeling better and the world is feeling brighter, go and share that with someone else. Make their day with your amazing self love and light. 

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We all struggle with the concepts of self love and acceptance, but through hypnosis work and through reframing our past idealogies and beliefs of ourself, we can create all that we need to thrive in this world. If you need help, or just want to experience what Hypnosis is like, then feel free to reach out and schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation. Here’s to being in love with yourself!


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